Step 1/4
Tell us more about your event.
This information paves the way for a smooth planning process. We'll find the perfect venue and ensure your desired date is available.
Got it! Can you tell us a little more about you?
Don't worry, we never share your email address with anyone. It is just used for communicating with you about your event.
It's nice to meet you! Can you share your address with us?
Your address is added to your account for later, so that your event planning process runs smoothly.
Thanks! Do you have any additional comments?
This is a good place to share any special requests, concerns, or accommodations you may have for your event.
Thank you for choosing Northside Events & Social Club for your upcoming event.
We've received your information! A member of our staff will reach out to you within the next 24 hours with the next steps.
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A well-decorated table with floral arrangements awaits an event